I went into the homeschool conference thinking, what will I learn this year? After all this was our sixth year attending the conference. I wondered if there was really anything new I would learn.
We walked into the conference Friday morning unsure of which direction we should take our homeschooling. We were unsure if we were on the right track or if we needed to switch what we were doing. Not only did we learn A TON, we also walked away with confidence, encouragement, and excitement to jump back into homeschooling our kids.
Our homeschooling has changed completely from when we first started six years ago. Part of the change we have faced is becoming a family were both parents work. Our blog has begun to open up fun opportunities for our family. I love blogging, writing, and helping to connect people to quality and awesome experiences and products, but it is also a lot of work. Work that requires me to write, contact clients, and the behind the scenes part of blogging that isn’t always seen.

Mark and I have had to adjust our work schedules to flow with our family goals. I work best in the morning and Mark works best in the afternoon. Mark has taken on homeschooling our kids in the morning while I work. This has been a complete mental shift for me, giving the reigns of our kids education, and hearts over to Mark. This new change meant that Mark needed to help decide which sessions we would choose. Sometimes we would divide and conquer, other times we wanted to make sure we both heard the same session because we wanted to be on the same page.

One thing I know, God spoke through the speakers we heard. This year has been rough adjusting to the twins joining our school day. Two more minds, bodies, and interests made a big difference to our school day. My brain could not figure out how to get us in smoothing, functioning order. After attending sessions on unit studies, toddler toolbox, and working as a family. The holes we had in our homeschooling before the conference are now answered. We now have a better order and flow to our day and more importantly in our family.

I am excited to share with you the new tools we have learned! Did you attend the MACHE conference this year? What is your biggest take away from the conference?