I am one of the crazy Minnesotans that actually loves when the temperatures dip into the negatives. I do not think it is the most horrible thing that has ever happened and I don’t want to move to another place that has sun and sandy beaches. I like those places, don’t get me wrong, but I love Minnesota winters, negative temps. and all!
Here are the Top 5 Reasons I love Minnesota Winters!
1. Sit down work is easier to concentrate on! As a homeschool family negative temps means my kids have more time to focus on sit down work. I always tell my kids blizzards and freezing temps. means more time to get their required sit down work done. Doing two to three times the amount of work done than they normally would. We want to be done with school by March or the beginning of April. It is impossible to compete with Springs beautiful weather.
2. Ice Fishing. When I was a little girl I would stick my feet in plastic bags and then put on my moon boots ready to go ice fishing with my dad. A five gallon bucket was my seat and with fishing pole in hand I was ready to hang out with my dad. I still love ice fishing and since Mark and Maddie won an ice fishing hut at the last Big Freeze event, we can ice fish in style!
3. Winter sports! I already mentioned ice fishing, but sledding, cross country skiing, snow shoeing, hockey, figure skating, snowmobiling, and snowball fights are great ways to enjoy the snow. With the right gear winter can be played away and before you know it, Spring is back!
4. Slowing down! This is not something I have always been good at and honestly it took me having severe mono in high school to get my attention. When I lived in Colorado, winter was one of my favorite times. During the day we could often be found training horses and other winter camp activities. In the evenings was a whole different stories. Warm meals, board games, and great friends made for the perfect remedy to cold evenings. We have brought back this mentality with us to Minnesota. Winter is a time for board games, warm meals, and great friends.
5. Reading! I read more during the winter than I do any other time of year. There is nothing better than snuggling under a warm blanket, drinking delicious coffee, and catching up on my reading.

6. Skye! This is an update from writing this last year. We are one of those crazy people ready for it to snow. Although it could hold off until December 1st and I would be a happy camper. We cannot wait to take Skye out in the snow. We are excited to teach her to mush and to take her to Pine Ridge Siberians to mush with their dogs. It’s going to be a great winter!
Do you love winter as I do? What is your favorite way to pass the winter months?