I had to share another favorite song of mine this morning. I have it set to wake me up every morning, it is the first thing I want to focus on when I roll out of bed, Laren Daigle’s, “Trust in You”. The lies often swim in my head, especially lately. “Who do you think you are”, “isn’t there someone better who could do what you’re doing”, “you’re failing your kids” and on and on they go.
I want the truth, I want what is going to help me hit the pavement running and not look back. I want the kind of trust that lets me leap across the water and not just walk. I want to fully trust who God says I am, knowing who I am is completely and fully rooted in him.
Neither having praise or criticism define who I am. Doing as the Wimmicks do in Max Lucado’s book “You are Special”, and let the dots and stars fall right off. It’s also allowing myself to feel the crushing weight of the reality of the areas I want to be strong enough, fast enough, smart enough, but I’m not there yet and allowing it to be ok. While embracing and celebrating in contentment and confidence who I am now and loving the person I will evolve into even more. Learning to live out in confidence the amazing, talented, gifted, beautiful woman he has made me.