Mark and I taking a very needed break from kids, school, and responsibilty!
The year started with the birth of our twins. Yes they are a miracle and wonderful, but they are also ALOT of work and demand TONS of attention. Attention which has been taken from Mark and I’s relationship as well as with Maddie. While balance is the goal it is not realistic all of the time. One of the things I appreciate about Mark is that he is so willing to help with the kids. There have been many mornings he has gotten up with the kids so I could sleep in. He’s willing to feed the twins, play with Maddie, let me have away time. All while attempting to balance work and school.
Our little bundles of joy! They are a LOT of work but they are amazing! Titus loves to laugh and giggle and get into trouble. Naomi is content to cuddle and needs lots of reassuring. It’s interesting because really they are both laid back but in different areas.
College has been the other stresser in our lives. The last two years Mark worked on a mechcanic degree while I worked at Hy Vee. This year he decided to return to school and get his web design certificate. Working this year doesn’t work because paying for day care cancels out my being able to work. So completely relying on God and Mark to provide is stressful but also great to learn to rely FULLY on God! Going back to school was a good decision on Mark’s part. He has finally found something he loves and enjoys! This is very encouraging and hopefully a step in the right direction for providing for us, while bringing Mark joy in the work place.
While we are very thankful for our three bedroom apartment (the extra space is amazing) we are SO done living in an apartment with a family. We would LOVE LOVE LOVE our own washer and dryer (this would revolutionize our lives), driving up to our drive way and getting the kids into the house more easily instead of parking the car, going up to our two story apartment. We are trying to hang in there and be thankful while looking to the future with hope.
We have seen God provide a double portion with the birth of the twins. We have seen God bring Mark a job he enjoys going to, with a flexible boss. We have seen joy in the homework Mark is doing for College (we’ve also heard him swear and seen him throw things in frustration but that’s with everything in life). God provided a three bedroom apartment! The extra space is AMAZING! We have found in our cubboards, heat in our apartment, and we are surrounded by family and friends! We have a God who has saved us from hell! We are blessed! These are the things Mark and I remind each other of as we work towards a future that encludes a house and a possible savings account!
Love it!!!!