this recipe makes 1 gallon of water keifer
* 1 gallon of filtered water
Add first 4 ingredients to your gallon container, then pour your gallon of filtered over your four ingredients. Your brew needs to be able to breathe and mix with the air, you can do this by placing a kitchen towel over your container with a rubber band around the lid of the jar (this lets it breathe without getting bugs in it). Your Keifer is done when the prune or dried fruit is floating on the top or is nice and bubbly.
To make root beer syrup:
1 tablespoon licorice root
3 tablespoons sarsaparilla root
1 vanilla bean
1 anise star
1 cinnamon stick
a couple drops wintergreen extract
1 qt. filtered water
Put all ingredients in a pan and then pour the 1-quart water over ingredients. Let the water come to a simmer. Try not to let it boil because boiling the spices can cause them to become bitter tasting. Let ingredients simmer for about 45 minutes. Let cool, then add root beer syrup to water kefir. Put all the ingredients together in a gallon container, then fill the container up with water, set the container on the counter until the dried fruit floats to the top. When the water Keifer is ready you are ready to make Keifer soda!
I don’t have a bunch of soda bottles to divide up my Keifer so I use 1/2 gallon glass jars. I fill the half gallon jar with 1/2 flavor of any juice I have a hankering for at the moment and 1/2 of the Keifer water into a 1/2 gallon jar, screw lid on tightly, then taste every day until you reach the desired taste you prefer. You can use fresh chopped ginger for ginger ale, lemon for lemonade (I want to try lemonade sometime), vanilla beans for cream soda tasting Keifer. The key to water Keifer is to keep trying until you get the tastes you are looking for. For the first round, to get your confidence going, I would suggest using 1/2 juice and 1/2 water Keifer and then adjust your taste and creativity from there.
There’s nothing better than a healthy, good for you, bubbly beverage with an amazing slice of homemade pizza!!!