If someone had said, “please make mistakes” to me a year ago I probably would have run away. Figuratively and possibly even literally. Making a mistake was the most horrible thing I could think of to happen in my life and to someone else because I had caused it to happen. It did not matter how small the incident happened, to me it was a big deal.
Then I took the Ultimate Journey. A year long class, comprised of three phases. It was painfully wonderfully. I was forced to look at my beautiful, messy self and I found freedom on the other side of the Ultimate Journey. I decided I was no longer going to be afraid. Yet, we all know it is one thing to say something and quite another to walk through it.
The Lord showed me and began to teach us as a family the difference between making a mistake and being a mistake. The ability to see and embrace the difference is mentally powerful. Once grasped the physical ability to tackle any situation circumstance in our lives becomes possible.
I was on a client call one day, discussing some ideas I had to extend his reach on social media.He said you know what, I wish others were willing to try and fail. I was speechless. Here is someone who is paying me to keep trying and dialing in what will reach his clients the best. He wants me to succeed, but his experience is you cannot succeed until you have made mistakes.
Mistakes become the beauty of trying. What this taught me is what seasoned entrepreneurs already know. You have to be willing to belly flop in life. You’re going to get skinned up and bruised. Use these bruises and skinned up knees as encouragement to keep going. Trusting at the same time, God is constantly pruning things in and out of my life.
I wrote a meme that says, “when I say I learned something, it usually means I learned from making mistakes, which have helped me to make less mistakes. Don’t let your mistakes define you.”
It’s a powerful mental shift and one cannot go forward until we get comfortable to see the difference between being the mistake and making a mistake. The difference is life changing!