Has your kid cried, squirmed, and hated handwriting? Has the very idea brought a look of panic on your kid’s face? Yay, mine too.
Getting back to homeschool mentoring
The twins are at an age where I am ready to expect more out of them academically. Where I can work four days and have three days off and get back to mentoring my kids through their homework on a daily basis. Mark had taken on the role, and he did a great job, but I’m more than ready to have more of my position back. Yay!
I noticed the twins handwriting needed quite a bit of work. Any concept you are going to begin building upon needs to be eased into. So, I began with having them copy one sentence out of any book they wanted to use. Once they were comfortable writing one, we moved to three sentences. When they were comfortable with three I was ready to challenge them with a more formal curriculum.

Bracing myself for war, Lol.
When I say I was ready. This means I was ready for their tears, sass, and to encourage and motivate them through this new learning curve in their life. I continue to say, academics are rarely the lesson. It is often the bi-product of a character lesson they need to learn. Be it perseverance, self-motivation, or patience to see a job done well. The art of handwriting is an important skill they need to learn and master to communicate well in the real world. Yes, we have tools to make this task easier, but, they still need to work at it to become the best communicator possible.
Can you laugh through a handwriting lesson?
With the twins handwriting skills improving I searched Amazon for a joke book handwriting book. I wasn’t even sure such a thing existed. I was thrilled to discover another mom had the same struggle I did and had created a book for her kids. I purchased “Write and Laugh” Manuscript Jokes 1 Copywork, it was a hit. No more grumbles or complaints. I allowed them two or three lessons before I critiqued any of their work. I wanted them to understand the flow and let them gain confidence. Once they had the concept down, then I began to expect more out of their writing. I wanted

Where can you find this awesome book?
With patience, a deep breath, encouragement and support kids can enjoy handwriting. Maybe Write and Laugh Manuscript would help your kiddo out. You can find out more about it at this link.
What a great resource! My son says he doesn’t like his handwriting but he loves jokes so this looks like a great fit for him!