When Maddie was five years old, I asked her what she wanted to do during the summer. We try to give our kids a chance to join a team, take swimming lessons, or other fun summer activities. With confidence she said, “I want to golf with Uncle Tim”. I didn’t even know she knew what golf was, let alone know my brother-in-law Tim golfs.
I looked online for golf lessons for a five year old and I didn’t find any in our area. Then I emailed the golf courses in our community to get their suggestions. Their advice was to get her golf clubs, golf balls that look like tiny wiffle balls, and simply let her have fun.
I sat her down and talked her into playing soccer. Literally all summer long, she continued to tell me how much she would rather play golf than soccer. I told her if she was still interested the next spring I would talk to the people at the golf courses again.
The next spring rolled around, she was now a year old, and I thought maybe she had forgotten she wanted to play golf. I asked her what she wanted to participate in over the summer. She said, “mom remember, I’m taking golf lessons.” Um, nope, she had not forgotten.
I emailed Green Lea Golf Course. I mentioned I was the one last year with the five year old who insisted on becoming a golfer. I said, “I know you are suppose to be eight for your program, but is there any way you would make an exception and let her try your Junior Golf Program. With a smile on his face, without any doubt in his eyes, he said sure, we would love to have her! I was shocked that they would even consider letting my six year old try it. I did tell them I would stay with her to make sure she behaved and it was going well.
It not only went well, it went AWESOME! She loved it! She loved her instructors, the putting green, the kids she got to be around, and she LOVED her pink golf clubs (we found hers on craigslist for a great deal).
The Junior Golf Program for 2016 at Green Lea Golf Course is TUESDAY – JUNE 14/21/28/JULY 12/19, from 8-9:30am, Ages 7-13 years old, and the cost is $60! It is seriously a great price! This has always been a perfect schedule for Maddie. It has allowed her to pursue her passion, but still be able to enjoy the other awesome parts of summer.
One of my favorite parts of Maddie golfing at Green Lea are the instructors. If the kids are goofing off, picking on one another, or not paying attention. They firmly, but kindly call the kids to act responsibly. As a parent I wanted to go high five them, but I resisted to make sure I wouldn’t embarrass Maddie.
If you are looking for a great place to help your child develop their passion and skills in golf. I recommend Green Lea’s Junior Golf Program! They have two levels based upon the skill level of your child. Do you have a kiddo who would love to take golf lessons? Seriously give Green Lea Golf Course a call and get them signed up. You will be glad you did! Click here to find the registration form. If you have any other questions about their other programs or their golf course you can contact them here.