About two weeks ago I went in for a routine check up at 34 weeks and my blood pressure and heart rate had risen to a concerning level, but while at my appointment it had gone down a little so they let me go home. Then two weeks later at my 36 week appointment my blood pressure and heart rate had gone up even more and after rechecking it it had gotten higher. The doctor sent me to the baby place (the hospital floor babies are delivered on) to monitor me and Timothy. Much to our doctors frustration either Timothy struggled or I struggled and there was not much reason for the randomness of what was going on. After going back in two days later for more monitoring and an ultra sound it was decided that they would induce me at 37 weeks, in four days we would meet our baby! Excited and nervous Mark did his best to get our laundry, house, and a few other things in line. I was so thankful he did, knowing our house was clean and laundry done made being in the hospital so much more bearable.

Tuesday, January, 6th I was induced into labor, although my body had already pretty much gone into pre-labor on it’s own and I had already dilated to 3cm. I had been praying prior to the induction that my body would recognize what was going on and it would know what to do on it’s own. Well, it didn’t, not for ten hours anyway, then finally at 10:48 pm Timothy was born and we finally got to meet our second son. I was overcome with so many emotions and so very thankful for God’s goodness at bringing our son safely into our lives.

He weighed 7lbs 15ozs and was 20 inches long and has melted his way into our hearts for sure! The kid’s were so excited to meet their baby brother! Naomi is definitely the mother hen of the group and holds him every second she possibly can. Singing sweet lullabies and being so very gentle with him. Titus is Timothy’s protector and loves petting Timothy’s soft baby hair (which he has a lot of) and makes sure he’s getting his turn to hold him. Maddie, is not a baby person, she is not a ushy gooshy person, and to her babies are disgusting. This make me chuckle because I was just like that as a kid too, I had better things to do with my time than gush over a baby! She will talk to him, give him his pacifier, and do other little helps with him. It is fun to watch her in her uniqueness love on Timothy.

We have had our challenges as the other three kid’s test the boundaries, struggle with less mommy time right now, and get use to crying in our house again. Our family of five has grown to six and we are incredibly thankful for the addition! We are excited to see Timothy’s personality develop and watch the person God will mold him into. Our quiver is full and we are indeed blessed!