Not only will I always be ok, but in fact I will always be amazing. I can say this with the utmost confidence, because I have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Anything I do is from an out pouring of my love for Him. My life verse is John 15:5, “I am the vine you are the branches, he who abides in me and I him will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing”! This verse is such a part of me that I came up with a drawing that I had tattooed on my body. I wanted a daily reminder of the importance of dwelling and abiding with Jesus. With Him I can do nothing, trust me, I have tried and any time I have ventured into doing life on my own, it ends in emotional, mental, spiritual, and eventually physical break down.
The amazing thing about being saved by Jesus is that the Holy Spirit dwells within me and coaches me through every situation I encounter. Especially the times when I have hit bottom and there is no where else to go. Times when I have wandered farther from my Savior than is wise to do. The amazing thing is, every time I wander away, he comes back and gets me. He tells me of his love for me and tells me I am his. There is comfort in knowing that no matter what I do, no matter how far I wander, God always wants me back. My Abba is always waiting for me to come home and with a feast laid out for me.
I have had soul piercing hurt, I have had betrayal and rejection, and every time my Abba has come for me and if you let him he will come for you too. He will tell you of how much he loves you, how much he values you, and that in Jesus here is no condemnation!
Any time I cry my kid’s automatically go into thinking their world is falling apart and they get real quiet, meek, and they always ask, “Mommy, are you ok”. I always answer with a smile and say, “not right now, but I will be” and I always tell them why I will be ok. I tell them Mommies heart hurts for now, but Jesus is the master healer and when he is done I will be better than ever. My Jesus is a healer of hearts, lives, and souls.
I’ve had things happen in my life that I will work through until the day I die, there are things in my life that I may only get peace in when I die and enter heaven. It doesn’t mean my soul is done grieving, but it does mean that I trust in the plan of my Saviour and it does mean that while my heart hurts now, Jesus, the Master healer is still at work at me and so long as I abide, I will be just fine! I will be ok, because I have the most important relationship I could ever have and that is with Jesus Christ.
Because of Jesus, I will always be ok!