My laundry was coming out not as clean as it could be or as clean as I thought it should and I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I knew the washer was working fine, so it wasn’t an issue of the machine. I had remembered trying vinegar before, but I had not really seen a difference. Lately, I have been buying Brigg’s all natural apple cider vinegar, uff da it’s strong! I was about to do a load of towels and I knew it had been a while since washing them and I knew they would not be smelling anything like roses. So, I went upstairs and got the Brigg’s apple cider vinegar and poured some into the fabric softener holder thingy in the washing machine. After the washing machine was done doing it’s cleaning thing, I threw the towels into the dryer. When I took them out of the dryer, they were no longer smelly and dirty, they were cleaner, fluffier, and they did not have static cling either! I will for sure be keeping a bottle of natural apple cider vinegar near the washing machine for now on! I use to buy the diluted vinegar, the kind you find next to the pickles and it didn’t really do anything for my laundry. But, this Brigg’s vinegar did a fabulous job. It’s out with the diluted and in with the all natural! Totally worth it!
I have also been using this vinegar for cleaning my bathroom, cleaning our coffee pot, soaking the shower head and it has done a fabulous job with all of them. Because it is stronger and not concentrated you don’t need as much of it to get a job done. Super duper awesome stuff!