Mark and I love to support, encourage and help those around us. It is a joy to us to be able to help someone rise to a higher place than where they are. Be it a website, social media consulting, cleaning the lake with our neighbors, mopping a floor or bringing a friend a meal. For us, it is so easy to give help, but for some reason, there is shame in asking and receiving help ourselves. It is hard for us to be humble and admit that we need financial help to be able to continue Mark’s treatment. While walking with my cousin, Sarah, she asked me, “if Mark had cancer, would you look at your situation differently.” I had never thought of his Lyme diagnosis as serious as cancer, but it made absolute sense.
His muscle and joint pain, bloating and gut issues, as well as memory loss, has kept him from working for the last two years. We are thankful for God’s hand in him being diagnosed. Right before Mark’s car accident, he began to be treated by Dr. Eaton at Eaton Sport and Spine. It was through this chiropractic office that we learned about his symptoms adding up to Lyme. Through one of Dr. Eaton’s staff, we learned about the Dulcimer Clinic in Fairmont, MN. Through the clinic, we were connected to Dr. Keith who has and continues to study Lyme and is a Lyme Specialist. She continues to guide us through various treatment plans.
Our first appointment with Dr. Keith was a breath of fresh air. We did not feel like we had two heads as we explained his symptoms. The first six months Mark went on antibiotics because it financially made sense. It wasn’t what we wanted to do, but it was what we needed to do. As we suspected would happen, they were also taking a toll on his body. It was attacking the Lyme, but taking nutrients from his body at the same time. Once the six months were up, he wanted to try something not as harsh on his body. Supplements were the answer, but which ones? In the words of Dr. Keith, “healing Lyme patients is done with duct tape and bailing twine.”
We are excited to tell you we believe Mark’s gut has begun to heal. His reactions to foods have calmed down immensely. Is inflammation is starting to go down? If and when he does react to food, his stomach settles down much quicker. He is beginning to bring light exercise back into his routine, and it is an enormous step in his journey as usually the thought of even taking a walk would be a lot for him.
Even small improvements are a huge success. Mark’s healing has been in part because of those who have given to his GoFundMe. We have been able to purchase his supplements, vitamins and the medicine that is continuing to heal his body. To those who have supported us financially, thank you! We have raised $510 of our $8,000 goal. It is making a difference in our lives, our kid’s lives and is allowing them to be able to play with their daddy. Another praise is he has begun to look for full-time work. This, too, is progress. He has applied for a couple of positions and will continue to search until God places him in the perfect job. Please, join us in praying for the ideal situation to come into our life for him.
We hate having to ask for other peoples hard earned money. We are both independent and to have to admit we cannot do this on our own is humbling. We come before our family and friends and continue to ask for your help to reach our goal. We are thankful for every one of you. Thank you for walking this long and hard road with us.
You can find the link to our GoFundMe account at this Here. We are taking every day one moment at a time, trusting the Lord and taking baby steps forward.