* I was given an Adoramapix 10×10 photo book to help faciliate my review. All thoughts and opinions are based on our experience. They are honest and 100% mine.
One of the things I have always admired about Mark is his ability to capture the emotions of nature and wildlife. He has an incredible attention to detail. He once told me about a time he spent an hour waiting to capture a picture of a frog catching a fly on the back of his moms porch. I on the other hand would not have slowed down enough to take time to even notice there is a frog on the porch, much less spend most of a morning waiting to capture it.
Throughout our eleven years of marriage he has taught me to slow down and not only smell the roses, but to notice and be in awe of how many different colors, textures, leaves the various species of roses there are in the world. He has even taught me to appreciate their thorns.
We are blessed to have Mark’s various photographs around the house, but lately I have wanted to share Mark’s photographs with the world. When I found out that Adoramapix made it easy to create a photography portfolio I knew I needed to create a book for him and give it to him as a gift.
In the process of creating his gift I realized I would need his help. Mark is a perfectionist, detailed person and if I wanted it to be a good surprise, he would need to be involved.
He and I sat down at the computer and figured out he would want a 10×10 book with 10 pages in portfolio book. We both knew a hardcover would last the longest and be the most professional looking. From there we found the image size he would need and he set to work picking and editing each of the photos he wanted to use.
He selected and uploaded each picture, Adoramapix has made the process easy and flawless. While we chose the photographer’s portfolio book, I could have easily created a memory book for our family or for our kids. Easily connecting Facebook or Twitter to my account would make it easy to find all of the pictures I love.
With Christmas right around the corner photo books are a gift that your loved ones can enjoy all year long! For more information visit the Adoramapix website to find out more amazing products and services.
Throughout the process of creating the photo book we had some hiccups and bumps. When we had questions Adoramapix was quick to answer our questions. They made sure to walk us through each question throughly and I was impressed with their level of customer service. A companies customer service is important to us and the way they treat those they work with purchasing their products. We will definitely be using Adoramapix again soon.