In the last election, I voted for Trump. It was a similar decision to the one I have recently felt for the current election. Neither candidate saw the United States as a whole person. Their ideals were set for their morals and ethics and for the “other” party be damned. A tone of separation would divide our nation even more so. The wedge had been set and would be continually hammered on until the divide was so big, no one thought we could be repaired. Would respect, compassion, and the soul’s need for revenge to take out the “enemy” be appeased.
In March I was not pleased with the way I began to see Trump further divide the nation. He pitted Christians against all the evils in the world. This spiraled the left to hate Christians and all of the evils on their side of the world. So, now. Everyone was free to hate. We have a nation filled with hate. We have become so blinded by our hate for the other side we have ceased to exist together.
Now that it is September and we can feel the election creeping in ever so slowly and yet quickly at the same time. We all feel the need to fight for the democracy we love so much. We all, every one of us love our freedom. Here is what we are afraid of. The left is afraid of losing the rights they have gained in the last elections. The right to love and marry whoever one chooses, I personally enjoy the freedom to purchase property, vote, and not be the possession of my husband. The right enjoys going to church, not being burned at the stake, not being crucified, and singing sweet melodies unto our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The left and the right are both a religion. Not a relationship with their party, a religion. We are holding onto our side of truth so tightly it will cause us to implode. We don’t need to be overrun by any other country, because we will do it ourselves. Who stands to gain if we implode? Who stands to lose? The whole rest of the world stands to gain if we blow up on ourselves. Every. Single. Person. In our nation loses if we implode. You may win a battle for your rights, cause, morals, and ethics. But, if we are to learn anything from history and it usually is the best teacher, then the right you won only ensures your “safety” for a time. It is merely a building block to a party or person’s further agenda. Yup, I said it, agenda. Call it Karma, call it Satan. Call it whatever your religion calls it, it will bite us in the ass.
When I am on Facebook or any other platform for that matter I see people disagreeing and loving each other on the keyboard. But, I know, behind the keyboard is a hatred and malice that is dangerous for our souls and dangerous for our nation. This personal hatred and malice will continue to pick us apart and it will be our destruction. The only thing our parties do is give each person the ability to put our emotional, mental, emotional, and spiritual scapegoat on someone else. Allowing us to not to take personal responsibility.
For the first time in years, I don’t even want to vote. I believe it is not only my duty but important as a free woman. I do not take my freedoms lightly. There was a personal cost to someone else for my ability as a woman to even have the free speech to write this blog post.
I have been praying and seeking the Lord for answers to why I can’t vote for either Biden or Trump. What was my unrest? Every time I tried to talk myself into voting for one of them, in the end, I couldn’t do it. But, I believe today I have come to my conclusion. It is because I cannot support the division either side represents. Either side stands to alienate the people that do not hold the same ethics and morals. We stand at the door of a civil war. We can swing that civil war door wide open or we can as a nation say, no more.
How can I say this when abortion is happening every day? How can I talk this way as a follower of Jesus? For this simple reason. God gives me the ability to follow him or walk away from him.
There is a Christian battle for America and there is another spiritual force fighting for America. Call it whatever it is, but it’s there. One is demanding their will to be recognized over the other. Who will bridge the gaps in our country? Who will pull not the parties together, but the people of the United States together. When we get our act together, we force our governments to get their act together.
For months I have been confused because the story the media has been telling us and the interactions I have had with people every day did not line up.
We as a nation need to call out the ones who are rioting, burning businesses, and causing unrest. Do they have cause to be angry. Yes, of course. But, putting someone else out of their lively hood and tanking the income of our fellow neighbors is not the answer. Instead of communicating and advocating for change, it becomes hate. It then filters into the rest of the nation and gives everyone else permission to be assholes. On both sides of the aisle.
We must value even those with whom we passionately to our core disagree. We must not entertain the thoughts that we are superior in our thinking or in life to someone else. The fall of every giant nation that has attempted to conquer the world has been because a group of people ceased to see their fellow neighbors as valued humans. Instead, they were seen as something to be taken out of the way. They thought as soon as “this group of people” are taken out of the way, then peace, happiness, and utopia would ensure. Their happiness, their peace, their utopia. In a country where “everyone” is supposed to have rights and freedoms, there can not be any strive for anyone to have one-sided rights. If we see this mentality in any leaders or politicians we must as a whole nation call it on the carpet. We must fight for each other’s liberties.
We would be naive to think there are not other countries trying to invade our thinking and divide our nation. Each United States American must take responsibility for their course of action. If we seek revenge only, if we fight only for one cause to win, we lose them all.
When I was in high school my church youth group visited a homeless shelter in Minneapolis called Sharing and Caring Hands. The founder Mary Jo Copeland talked to us for a few minutes. She told us she had experienced abuse and homelessness as a child. But she decided she had a choice. She could get bitter or better. She could build up or tear down. She had a choice. She chose to get better and to build up. I was molested when I was eight years old. My mom was tortured as a child in every way imaginable. Yet, she chose to build up and get better. If we as a nation do not build up and get better, we will kiss our beloved nation goodbye.